It's been awhile since a post went live here! But we feel like we are in a new place, gaining speed on the things we are working on in our county.
Wanted to share this recent picture after a Commission meeting held at ACI Jet Board Room, next to the SLO Airport

It is a really beautiful space, and we were excited to have guests from Cal Poly, Erin Victoria Zamora, PhD., and Marion W. Hart, PhD., speaking to us about the Latina Empowerment Roundtable we held last year, and discuss plans for engagement in the future! Along with them were two students who shared the powerful impact the roundtable had on it's participants.
Also in attendance was a community member from Cambria wanting to learn more about the Commission.
This day also happen to be International Women's Day and one of our Commissioners birthday!
We are all excited about celebrating the Commission serving 50 years in SLO County and will be noted on March 11 at the County Government Center in SLO with a proclamation read by County Supervisors and in accordance with Women's History Month.