Jamie Maraviglia
District 4
Jamie Maraviglia has been a resident of south San Luis Obispo County since 2003. After graduating from Cal Poly with a degree in English, Jamie began her career in marketing and communications at the Clark Center in Arroyo Grande and held a position at a local agency before shifting over to higher education. She currently works (remotely) in the Public Affairs office at UC Berkeley.
Jamie’s real joy lies in working with our community. She serves as the chair of the Planning Commission for the city of Arroyo Grande and as the vice-president on the Board of Directors for the Clark Center for the Performing Arts. However, her real passion is healthcare. As a mom of two children born with congenital disorders, she has spent the last twelve years in-and-out of hospitals and spent hundreds of hours learning to deal with the complexities of our current medical system. For the past decade, she has been working with a variety of organizations to make the system work better physically, emotionally, and financially for the people who have to deal with it. She has worked to pass healthcare legislation with Consumer Watchdog and the March of Dimes and was also one of the top national fundraisers for the March of Dimes for almost a decade. Jamie currently serves on the Ethic’s Committee for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and volunteers with the California Nurses Association fighting for healthcare equity. Jamie is a long-time SLO County resident and lives in Arroyo Grande with her family. In her spare time, she loves hanging with her family, reading, hiking and practicing yoga.